
first iPad figure study

nude figure 1

This was an experiment trying out the iPad during a figure drawing session.


  1. Kari, do you have to use your finger or have they come up with a stylus for the iPad?

  2. Hi Mark, there are quite a few different styluses. Here's a photo of one I use. http://karichristensen.com/updates/ipad-painting-experiment.html Unfortunately there isn't a device that will create pressure sensitivity like a wacom. However some apps have done a good job of compensating for this.

  3. Sorry that link did not activate. I use a Targus stylus I just found at Best Buy. The Pogo sketch is not bad but I prefer something more firm. I want to try the DAGi and Wacom has one too. There is also a company that makes a paint brush that I would like to experiment with.
